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I animate public events bringing research and science to wide audiences. Click on the images to learn more.

L’utilisation des animaux et de leurs alternatives en recherche: Exemple de l’oncologie

November 20, 2024 | Lausanne, Switzerland

The University of Lausanne, EPFL, and the Swiss national 3R competence center (3RCC) are organising a day dedicated to discuss animal experimentation and its alternatives in cancer research with the public. I am animating an expert round table of researchers, ethicists, and national advisors where we will discuss the challenges, opportunities, and moral considerations around the topic.

Image: 3RCC

Les coulisses de la recherche

June 6, 2024 | Lausanne, Switzerland

Patient and public involvement and engagement, abbreviated "PPIE", has become a hot topic in many research areas. Medical research is one of them. It is now widely accepted that patients and caregivers have important things to say when it comes to research that directly affects them, but how a successful collaboration between researchers and public partners can be done in practice remains challenging. With the Lausanne Patient Lab in Oncology, I co-organise and animate a public conference series that acts as a meeting point between scientists and citizens eager to work together in cancer research.


Previous editions: March 7, 2024 | November 16, 2023

Image: Behnisch Architekten

Forum public: Bien dormir pour rester en bonne santé

March 14, 2024 | Lausanne, Switzerland

During the "Semaine du cerveau 2024", I had the pleasure to animate a public forum at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) on the topic of sleep. Three researchers presented their work trying to grasp a better understanding of what makes us sleep better or worse, and why that is important for our health. During the Q&A, the audience could ask away and get answers to their burning questions.

Image: Semaine du Cerveau
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